
Exterior Painting Project Details

We have provided here the usual scenario for the completion of your exterior project. This serves to give you an idea of how the project will go, and basic information about the process. Be assured that your satisfaction, and achieving a long- lasting, quality product, is paramount in our service. All exterior home painting projects are guaranteed for eight years, we are so confident in our abilities and processes.

Here is an overview of what to expect and the process our house painter uses. This is not intended to be fully encompassing of every situation, but serves to give you the normal sequence of events and the timeline of what we do.

Our workers will usually arrive between 7.00 AM to 9.00AM and work for 8 hours, except on the first and last days. If we need help from a third party we only hire experts such as these Garage Door Specialist.

Crews typically consist of a full journeyman crew. One person is the designated Production Manager. Often, this will be the Owner, or the Production Supervisor. Our heavy equipment operators are also properly trained in mewp training courses ensuring jobsite safety.

A Pree’s Professional Painting sign will be placed on your property, and we ask to keep this there for two weeks from the completion date. This will be picked up by us, but if you wish it to be removed before, do not hesitate to call us. Additionally, if you’re looking for pool renovation, our specialization in pool mosaic tiles ensures exceptional results.


We can assist you with color selection for your project for which we recommend to check Fowler Exteriors options. A small “test patch” area will be applied a few days prior to the commencement of your project to ensure you are pleased with your color selection, and to prevent holding up the start of your work.

We ask you to remove any items, such as lawn furniture, hoses etc. from around your property, before we commence your project. We also request that you make a small designated area where we may place a tarp and place our equipment to start painting your playground markings. For more information about playground painting, click here.

2. Pressure wash

The exterior of your property will be pressure washed, using water with TSP, to help kill and remove mildew.This will also result in paint debris, from failing paint, falling around the property. Most of this will be cleaned up immediately, and all of it by the completion of your project.

Please close all windows and inform the crew of any “leaking” areas. Also windows will be dirty after this process.

3. Scraping and Sanding

Next time you need to hire house painting services, remember that scraping may be necessary in areas where the paint is loose.

Scraping is designed to remove any failing paint (most of the scrapings will be cleaned up daily, and all will be cleaned up at the conclusion of the job). Feather sanding will be performed to reduce the visibility of the ridge created by the old paint failings.

4.Weed removing

Weeds can pop up almost anywhere. They are invasive and require only a tiny crack to grow in between bricks. Weeds in your brick patio or walkway can be unsightly and unwanted. Fortunately according to this Japanese Knotweed Specialist, there are several methods for removing them once and for all.

5. Priming

A very important stage to your project. This will increase the longevity of your paint job. Many contractors omit this stage, as a cost reduction means. However, our exterior painting contractors view this stage as one of the most important stages of your project and integral to providing a high quality finish with long lasting results. A high quality primer will be applied to the exterior of your property. This will help to seal your property and give the top coat a better surface to adhere to. Windows and doors will usually be masked, and tarps placed over shrubs etc, around the property.

6. Painting

According to a residential painting team the property will be sprayed and then back-rolled, using the highest quality paint. Two coats of top coat will be applied. In occasional instances, such as certain colors, three coats may be necessary, and if that is the case you will be advised on this, as it will result in a price change.